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Kao Hsiung Store As-Is section

*We offer "Today's lowest price" every day and give you a surprise price at least 70% off!
*How to shop As-Is items at IKEA Kao Hsiung Store?
lCheck the product carefully and look through the instructions on the product label to understand why it is labelled as an As-Is item.
l The actual stock availability of the products in As-Is section may vary and offer is only valid while stocks last. The pre-order service is not available for As-Is products.
lIf you need to disassemble the product for delivery, we will provide tools for disassembly at the customer service counter after checkout.
lOnce the products in the As-Is section are sold, they cannot be returned or exchanged. Check carefully whether the size of the product meets your needs before buying it.
lThe products in the As-Is section are not applicable to the guarantees.
lThe prices of As-Is products are fixed, and bargaining is not accepted.
lHere you may find more details about delivery fee
lHere you may find more details about repair service

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