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IKEA for Business solutions

University office

Industry: Office
Workspace type: Office
Floorspace: 100 ping
Budget: NTD$1,750,000

The entire design is coordinated with minimalist and white wood style to give a brand-new office environment that brings a new atmosphere to the users. The smart use of the cabinets as room dividers in an open workplace present both functionality and aesthetics of the office at the same time.

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Nei Hu Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #1
Address: 3F IKEA for Business
No. 128, Sec. 1, Jiuzong Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City
Hsin Chuang Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #2
Address: 4F IKEA for Business
No. 1, Zhongzheng Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City

Xin Dian Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #7
Address: 4F IKEA for Business
No. 159, Zhongyang Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City (next to Xiaobitan MRT Station)

Tao Yuan Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #3
Address: 5F IKEA for Business
No. 1, Sec. 1, Gaotiezhanqian E. Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City

Tai Chung Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #4
Address: 1F IKEA for Business
No. 168, Section 2, Xiangshang Road, Nantun District, Taichung City

Kao Hsiung Store
Hotline:02-412-8869 #5
Address: 3F IKEA for Business
No. 1201, Zhonghua 5th Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City


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